Jintu Thakuria

Name: Jintu Thakuria
Qualification: Graduated
Designation: PG Student
Department: Education
College Address: Cotton University, Guwahati, Assam
Publication Type: Journal
Paper Title: A Study on the Attitude towards Gender Differences
Journal Name: Gender Equality:various Dimensions
Volume: I
Issue No.:
Month of Publication: February
Year: 2021
Page No.: 18
ISBN: 987-93-89484

About Jintu Thakuria

Graduate from Cotton University in Education in 2020 with first class first. He keeps interest in research in socio-educational and psychological aspects of education specifically on gender issues, mental health, general well being. He has also been an acclaimed short story writer in his regional language. Receiving awards of regional fame, he has devoted to the issues of women suffering, child abuse, moral policing as central themes of his short stories. Being an aspirant researcher and deep involver in the academic life, he has always been keeping interests in innovative and research based studies in the different aspects of education